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MOS - Security

9 Security

9.3.4 Trusted Systems

“Is it possible to build a secure operating system?” “Theoretically yes, but there are reasons why modern OSes aren’t secure”:

  • Users are unwilling to throw away current insecure systems. For example, there is actually a “secure OS” from Microsoft, but they never adversite it and people won’t be happy if told that their Windows systems will be replaced.
  • Features are the enemy of security, yet system designers keep adding features that they believe their users will like. For example, emails used to be ASCII texts which in no way poses a security threat, and one day email developers added rich contents like Word documents that can have viruses written in macro. Another example is web pages, which used to be static HTML files that were secure, until the appearance of dynamic widgets like applet and JavaScript. Since then security problems pop one after another.

9.3.5 Trusted Computing Base

At the heart of a “trusted system” is a minimal Trusted Computing Base (TCB). If the TCB is working to specification, it is believed that the system security cannot be compromised, no matter what else goes wrong.

TCB typically consists of most of the hardware, a portion of the operating system, and most or all user programs that have superuser power (binaries with SETUID bit for instance). MINIX 3 does a great job minimizing the TCB: its kernel is only a few thousand lines of code, as opposed to the Linux kernel which has millions if not tens of millions. Everything else that don’t belong in the TCB is moved to user space, such as printer and video card drivers.

9.3.6 Formal Models of Secure Systems

There are research that attempts to prove that given a set of authorized states of a system, and a list of protection commads (that grant of revoke permissions), whether it is possible to derive a unauthorized state, using formal verification methods.

9.3.7 Multilevel Security

DAC v.s. MAC

Discretionary Access Control (DAC) v.s. Mandatory Access Control (MAC). The former gives owners of resources the right to decide who else can have access to resources they own. The latter, however, says an organizational admin globally mandates who has access to what, thus enforcing a stronger information security. MAC is common in the military, organizations, and hospitals.


The concept “multilevel” refers to the design that there are multiple security levels on a system, and users/processes at each level has restricted access to resource on the system. Two notable models of multilevel security are the Bella-La Padula model and the Biba model.

The Bella-La Padula model was designed for military use, where the core of security is information security, i.e., a general can have access to most information including everything a lieutenant knows, but he cannot tell everything he knows to the lieutenant. When applied to an operating system, this means a process can read files with an equal or lower level, but can write to files with an equal or higher level. This is why the model is often remembered as “read down and write up”.

The Bella-La Padula model makes sure information never flows from a higher level to lower, which is great for the military, but when applied to a corporation, it may break data integrity. For example, it would entitle an engineer to write to the CEO’s company OKRs or the CFO’s financial reports. For corporations, an exact opposite model exists, and that is the Biba model.

9.3.8 Covert Channels

Even when mathematically proven secure, a system could still leak information, through various Covert Channels. A covert channel can often be established by an agreed protocol between the leaker and the receiver, not through the usual IPC or RPC mechanism but something unobvious. For example, they could agree on that the leaker would signal a bit 1 by computing for a certain interval of time, and signal bit 0 much more promptly. This way the receiver could construct a bit stream from the leaker’s response times to its requests. Other signals can be paging rates, status of a lock file, etc. And by multiplying the number of signals, the bandwidth can be significantly increased.

In practice, just finding all the covert channels is challenging, let alone blocking them.


Steganography is a slightly different kind of covert channel. A classic example is by tweaking the three lower bits of the RGB bytes of an image file (one per color), and with the help of simple compression, one could embed as much as 700KB of secrete data in a 1024x768 image, without anybody noticing a difference in the resulting image. Many websites use steganography to insert hidden watermarks into their images to prevent from theft and reuse on other web pages.

Example: https://www.cs.vu.nl/~ast/books/mos2/zebras.html

9.4 Authentication

Most authentication methods are based on one or more of the three general principles:

  1. Something the user knows
  2. Something the user has
  3. Something the user is

9.4.1 Authentication Using Passwords

It’s a good practice to always prompt for password even when a user doesn’t exist, and if you have a laptop computer, take the time to set your BIOS password so anybody can’t take it, change your boot sequence, and bypass your system login (and eventually steal your data).

How Crackers Break In

  • Usernames and passwords are easy to guess - 80% of them
  • A classic break-in sequence:
    • Construct a dictionary of common usernames and passwords
    • Choose a domain name, e.g., foobar.edu
    • Run a DNS query to get its network address (upper bits of IP)
    • Run a ping to probe all hosts that are live in that network
    • Run telnet to log in, using the usernames and passwords from the dictionary
  • As you can see, the above is very easy to automate and is what computers are good at
  • Once break in, the cracker typically installs a packet sniffer, that examines incoming and outgoing packets for certain patterns (password sent to a bank’s site for example)

UNIX Password Security

Unix used to have a world-readable file (/etc/passwd) with all the usernames and passwords. This is for sure not secure. An improvement was to store an encrypted version of passwords, but it could be worked around because the encryption algorithm was well known. With the usual dictionary of usernames and passwords, the cracker could, at their leisure, encrypt all the passwords with the same algorithm, and compare them one bye one with the entries in /etc/passwd. Any matching entry will mean a compromised user login.

Morris and Thompson came up with a technique that defeat this attack, or rather made it harder than what it could ever achieve. The idea is to assign a random number to each password, called salt, and encrypt the salt and the password together. Now, imagine in the same situation, the cracker has access to a /etc/passwd, their usual dictionary will have to be updated to take account into the added salt numbers. But because the salt is randomly assigned, for any possible password, they would have to enumerate all possible salt numbers, encrypt their concatenation, and then compare against the entries in /etc/passwd. That just increases the complexity by 2^n, n being the number of bits the salt has, which for UNIX, is 12.