wonderfly Blog

Subject Pronouns


As its name suggests, a subject pronoun is used to replace the subject noun of a sentence.

In English there are seven subject pronouns: “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “it”, “we” and “they”. In Spanish, there are twelve: two pronouns take gender (nosotros and vosotros), and there are four pronouns for “you”.

Singular Plural
yo nosotros(as)
usted ustedes
él ellos
ella ellas

NB: there is no “it” in Spanish.

Verb conjugation

The conjugated verb must agree in number(first-/second-/third-person) with the subject. This is true for -ar, -er and -ir verbs:

Person -ar -er -ir
1st -o, -amos -o, -emos, -o, -imos
2nd -as, -áis -es, -éis -es, -ís
3rd -a, -an -e, -en -e, -en